Youtube Paid Services Ready Next Year

Youtube Music subscription services seem equally harmful will not be put into effect from this year. Meanwhile, Google 's own mind is negotiating with record labels regarding access to all services on Google Play Music.

Despite the clarity of the subscription service later see a bright spot since found a code snippet on Youtube app for Android that leads to Youtube Music subscription service, but it seems Youtube users do not expect too fast this time

According to a report from AllThingsD on Wednesday (04.12.13), I called wanted to launch a subscription service this year, but it does not seem to be realized. The report also asserted when Google is considering launching Youtube Music subscription services in Q1 2014. Apparently, until now Google itself has not met the way out how to combine the official music video with user-generated content.

Google also claimed to have obtained all necessary content as a condition of launching the service, and not the first time Google postpone launch Youtube Music subscription service, earlier also done the same thing last October.

Not to identification of exactly when Google will release the service, but speculation is growing calls before April 2014 Youtube Music subscription service possibilities can be enjoyed.