How to Add Friends on Twitter to FriendFeed
Twitter and FriendFeed are popular social networking media that can be accessed via your smartphone or computer. Twitter is a network that allows you to subscribe to friends, celebrities, businesses and news outlets and then receive 140-character message updates from them. FriendFeed lets you publish and share links from the Internet to a feed your friends and family can view. You can easily import your Twitter contacts to your FriendFeed account with a few clicks. You can only import Twitter friends who already have an existing FriendFeed account.
1. Access the FriendFeed homepage on your computer. If you are not logged in, enter your FriendFeed username and password to sign in.

2. Click on "Browse/edit friends" at the bottom of the "Friends" menu box. The box is on the right-hand side of the FriendFeed page.

3. Click on the Twitter logo that appears on the new page.

4. Enter your Twitter username when prompted. You do not have to share your Twitter password with the FriendFeed site to access your Twitter contacts.

5. View the list of Twitter friends who have an existing FriendFeed account. Deselect any Twitter friends you do not want to have access to your FriendFeed.

6. Click on the "Subscribe" button.