Share Google Reader or Google Buzz items on Twitter automatically

Most of us use Google Reader to catch up with RSS feed items, and to stay updated yourself with latest news. Google Reader makes reading these feeds easy! Now Twitter has been playing a major role on social media growing at a rapid rate of 55 million tweets sent per day. Now how would it be if you could get all your Google Reader  or Google Buzz updates into Twitter?
Reader2Twitter is a simple web app that lets you to share all your reader items to Twitter easily. Setting up this application is so easy, all you need to do is allow your Twitter account to access it using Authorization. Once you’ve done, then enter your Google reader ID number. That’s it! Now it will sync automatically with your Google reader account and start posting all the items to your Twitter account.
You can give your username and also customize the tweet style by adding prefix to tweet format. Reader2Twitter makes it easier to get your reader updates on twitter. It will be so helpful for people who loves Twitter more than Google reader and get the updates on twitter.
Let’s first see how to find out the Google reader Number ID, because to setup Reader2Twitter you need Google reader number id:
1. Go to Google reader at
2. Click “Your stuff”
3. Click sharing settings
4. Find “Choose a custom URL” at the bottom
5. Copy the number ID from the URL
Now that you’ve got the number id, go to Reader2Twitter and setup the account.
1. Use the oAuth twitter login and grant access to your twitter account.
2. Once you’ve verified your Twitter account, enter the Google number ID, tweet format and submit.
A word of  caution! Don’t sync your Google Reader and Twitter account if you have subscribed to too many RSS feeds.
You can also now similarly sync Your Google Buzz to Twitter with Buzz2Twitter !

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