7 StumbleUpon tips To Increase Your Blog Traffic
StumbleUpon is a famous discovery engine which helps us to discover new websites in the world wide web. StumbleUpon helps a lot for the newbie bloggers who need more true and regular readers for their blogs. If a new post or page is submitted to StumbleUpon it starts suggesting it to its users who are stumbling in the same niche to which the article has been submitted from its community of 10 million users .I as a newbie blogger has benefited a lot by StumbleUpon because it has given my blog around 1.4k visitors in a day even when my blog is just 2months old. So I suggest StumbleUpon to every newbie blogger who like to showcase his blog to rest of the world. Now if you have decided to start stumbling then you must know these tips to get even more traffic to your blog.

First Things First:
The very first thing you need to do is to submit your blog post or page to stumble upon and work on remaining tips and I guarantee that you will get good amount traffic from SU.
Be Active:
StumbleUpon expects you to be an active user in their community to drive traffic to your discoveries. You can be active by discovering websites i.e. stumbling and reviewing the websites by giving thumbs up or thumbs down. It suggests its users your discoveries based on the activity of your StumbleUpon account. So I suggest you to become an active stumbler to get more traffic from StumbleUpon.
Ask For A Thumbs Up:
After submitting your post to SU it first tests by driving a few users to your site and if your post gets thumbs up from some of these users then your content will be suggested to many more. So if you are a newbie blogger you can ask your friends to give some thumbs up for your content in the first days so that your content will be exposed to many others.

Your account can also be assumed to be active if you use there URL shorten service which provides you with a su.pr short URL. If you share any URL which is shortened using su.pr service then if anyone clicks on it they will be redirected to your page through StumbleUpon domain and even has a StumbleUpon toolbar. Users may easily like your site even if they haven’t installed the SU toolbar.
Follow A Few:
Follow few people in its 10 million user community who belongs to your niche so that you can share your discoveries with them directly to their inbox by sharing it and if they like, your content may get thumbs up which will be an added advantage for you in driving traffic.
Su Badge Helps You:
You can add a stumbleupon badge on your website so that your readers will know about your SU profile and may follow you. Once you have good number of followers belonging to your niche, you can update them about your posts and can get good reviews.

First Things First:
The very first thing you need to do is to submit your blog post or page to stumble upon and work on remaining tips and I guarantee that you will get good amount traffic from SU.
Be Active:
StumbleUpon expects you to be an active user in their community to drive traffic to your discoveries. You can be active by discovering websites i.e. stumbling and reviewing the websites by giving thumbs up or thumbs down. It suggests its users your discoveries based on the activity of your StumbleUpon account. So I suggest you to become an active stumbler to get more traffic from StumbleUpon.
Ask For A Thumbs Up:
After submitting your post to SU it first tests by driving a few users to your site and if your post gets thumbs up from some of these users then your content will be suggested to many more. So if you are a newbie blogger you can ask your friends to give some thumbs up for your content in the first days so that your content will be exposed to many others.

Your account can also be assumed to be active if you use there URL shorten service which provides you with a su.pr short URL. If you share any URL which is shortened using su.pr service then if anyone clicks on it they will be redirected to your page through StumbleUpon domain and even has a StumbleUpon toolbar. Users may easily like your site even if they haven’t installed the SU toolbar.
Follow A Few:
Follow few people in its 10 million user community who belongs to your niche so that you can share your discoveries with them directly to their inbox by sharing it and if they like, your content may get thumbs up which will be an added advantage for you in driving traffic.
Su Badge Helps You:
You can add a stumbleupon badge on your website so that your readers will know about your SU profile and may follow you. Once you have good number of followers belonging to your niche, you can update them about your posts and can get good reviews.
Hello Irawan,
BalasHapusI'm impressed in your using StumbleUpon to give your blog around 1400 visitors in a day for a 2 month old blog. That's fantastic. I'll check out your advice with my own sites.
I'm new to blog life but i like to search new tips for increasing the traffic or get visitors to my blogs. But i found tips only about social media sites. I'll try Stumbleupon and ThumnsUp on my blogs. I have some friends to aks to "like" my blogs.
BalasHapusThanks! I think 7 is a great number. Fully covered topic proves it.
BalasHapusI have never tried to use StumbleUpon. I guess i will try using it. But point is why only follow a few bloggers. If you follow more people you have more chances of your blogs getting viewed.
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